Do a Grouch a Favour Day

February 16th is national ‘Do a Grouch a Favour Day’, which of course got us thinking about Grumpy Old Men – because it’s a real thing! Grumpy Old Man Syndrome, also known as irritable male syndrome (IMS), refers to a condition that tends to affect some men as they age and is exactly what it…

The Science of Shut-Eye

Sleep plays a vital role in maintaining our overall health and well-being, in addition to improving cognition [1]. It consists of five distinct phases that repeat cyclically throughout the night. In recent years, the science behind sleep and the benefits of napping has garnered significant attention. Though there are general guidelines in place for napping…

Top 3 Daily Nutrition Strategies That Work

Instead of focusing on big changes in your nutrition, use these three simple strategies every day for big results! Being consistent with these simple choices will require less effort than a dietary overhaul. The fundamental problem in nutritional health is that diets do not work. Clinical research consistently shows that following a highly prescribed eating…

9 Strategies to Optimize Your Sleep

Sleep is essential for optimal health! Without enough sleep, many of our internal systems do not function properly. For example, people who do not get enough sleep crave sugary and high-carb foods, which increases the risk of diabetes. Sleep is also a time for our body to repair. Without this time for healing and repair,…